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   is a U.S. company located in southern California, about 25 miles south of Los Angeles International Airport. The company was founded in 2000.

By 2005, the authenticity level of our models caught the attention of many businesses and collectors. In May 2009, Mr. Ray Ashley, the president of the Maritime Museum of San Diego, reached out to commission four ships. Today, our models have been featured in major museums such as the Smithsonian Museum, Coast Guard Museum NorthWest, Mariners' Museum, Museum of Science and Industry, National Museum of the American Sailor, Sons of the American Revolution. Training centers value accuracy the most, and our models are displayed in the United States Naval War College, U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Naval Postgraduate School. Many private shipyards and cruise ship operators also contact us when they have a need.

Our team learns fast. In 2019, when our submarine line was to be expanded, it took us only one and a half years to become the top and the only company in the world that built correct sub models. Submarines might look simple but there are important features that only submariners know must be done correctly. Our Coast Guard line was another instance. We started the line from scratch in 2020 - more than 10 years after a prominent Coast Guard model maker, and by 2022, all of our Coast Guard models are much better than theirs. Soon after, the Coast Guard Museum Northwest reached out to commission two models.

"Just got off the phone with Captain Davis at CG Museum NW in Seattle... He wanted me to tell you that he is thrilled with the end product. How much? Good question! He is eager for CG Museum New London to come and pick up the Contractor's Build model of the Hamilton (Yes the original Contractor's build model from the 1960's) so your Munro can take its place. I have no more contracts to offer you as of yet, but I promise to put a good word for you with CG Museum New London when they check out your work in Seattle. You are number one on the list for any future construction. Many thanks for your fine work. Respects and regards, Charles Bowman, BM1, USCG (retired)"

After over 20 years of gratifying work, many members in our team start thinking about creating a maritime museum. We have visited many nautical museums and felt that the ship models in there seemed to be collected randomly by many successive curators and, as a result, the museums offer very little educational benefit. Our envisioned museum will have many spacious rooms, each features one type of ships and changing themes (i.e. Maritime Innovations that Changed the World, Historic Submarines, Famous Yachts, Mega Ships, Most Loved Boats.) In the front stand several massive 15'-20' models. Outside, we plan to have a pond to reenact famous battles (the ships are connected to runways on the bottom of the pond and the whole acts are computerized.) We hope that with the creation of this museum, many schools will start to offer a class about maritime history, and southern California will have one more great place for millions of tourists. When private benefactors and corporate sponsors participate, the museum will give free admissions on certain days of the year. This endeavor requires business acumen and we need assistance or partnership. We are sure many cities and counties will be eager to fund parts of the project.