The Hamilton class
cutter used to be the largest class of vessel in
the United States Coast Guard. They were built with
aluminum superstructure and welded steel hull which has V cross
section to give the ships the ability to stay afloat longer
after suffering damage. They were the first U.S.
military vessels with combination diesel or gas turbine
Because of their endurance and capabilities, the
Hamilton-class cutters commonly deployed with Carrier
Battle Groups.

The Hamilton-class cutters were designed and built
during the Cold War, due to this they have the
capability to find, track and destroy enemy submarines. When constructed, they
were armed with 5"/38 naval gun, two 81 mm mortars, two
.50 caliber machine guns, two MK 10 Hedgehogs, two MK 32
torpedo tube systems, and Nixie torpedo countermeasures.
During the 1980s and 1990s the cutters were modernized
under the Fleet Rehabilitation and Modernization (FRAM)
program, during this they replaced the 5"/38 gun with
the MK 75 76 mm naval gun, upgraded the MK 32 Surface
Vessel Torpedo Tubes to Mod 7, and upgraded the cutters
air and surface search radars, sonar, electronic
surveillance measures (ESM) suite and installed MK 36
SRBOC launchers.

Harpoon anti-ship missiles were fitted to multiple
cutters of the class but only the USCGC Mellon fired
harpoon missile in January 1990. After the collapse of
the Soviet Union, the joint Navy/USCG board decided
there was no military threat to require the installation
of anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine weapons on
board cutters, and subsequently removed the
weapons. After the removal of the ASW weapons, the Coast
Guard installed MK 38 25 mm chain guns on both sides of
each cutter. Missile defense is handled by the MK 36
launchers and the Phalanx CIWS.

This primarily wood model
of the
class coast guard ship
is 24" long x 11"
tall x 4" wide (1/200 scale)
Shipping and insurance in
the contiguous USA included.
Other places: $300 flat rate. This
model is in stock and can be shipped within five
business days. Let us know the name of the
ship and its number and we'll make them on the model
for you.
We can build the
-class ships at other
standard scales such as 1/144 (34" long),
1/96 (48" long), 1/87, 1/72. Email us for

When you
are choosing a reputable builder for your favorite
Coast Guard model,
look for large photos showing details to verify if a
model is worth the title "museum quality" as wildly
claimed by many.
Use a large-screen device. A phone is too small and all
models appear the same or different marginally. And do
not forget to look for photos of all angles. Railings,
propellers, ladders, boats, radars... All these
intricate details take much more time to make and
require higher skill.
Remember that a model that looks good from afar but
might disappoint big time when held in your hands (the
two-foot test.)

can build any of the Hamilton class below:
USCGC Hamilton (WHEC-715)
USCGC Dallas (WHEC-716)
USCGC Mellon (WHEC-717)
USCGC Chase (WHEC-718)
USCGC Boutwell (WHEC-719)
USCGC Sherman (WHEC-720)
USCGC Gallatin (WHEC-721)
USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC-722)
USCGC Rush (WHEC-723)
USCGC Munro (WHEC-724)
USCGC Jarvis (WHEC-725)
USCGC Midgett (WHEC-726)
For more accurate Coast Guard models from
ModelShipMaster, please click here:
Learn more about the USCG
Hamilton-class cutter here: