256-bit encryption
$500,000 protection

Deepwater Pathfinder was a first-of-its-kind,
ultra-deepwater drillship. She was the first new
build capable of drilling in 10,000 feet of water.
safest and most technologically advanced drill ship
in the world, Deepwater Pathfinder used satellite
and ocean-bottom positioning systems to remain
precisely in position, even in harsh weather.
The new technology on
the vessels included a specialized combination of
seabed and satellite systems that sent signals to
onboard computers, controlling six high-powered
thrusters. The thrusters countered the forces of
currents, wind and waves to keep the vessel exactly
on target -- usually averaging less than two meters
of her mark -- without an anchor. It was this new
technology that earned the ship its DP3 (triple
redundant) classification - the highest
classification given by the ABS. This means the
vessels provide the highest degrees of safety,
redundancy, and reliability.
one of the first applications of its kind,
Deepwater Pathfinder features computerized rig floor operations,
with conventional manual backup capabilities.
Drilling operations
use a cyber station to complete automated functions
which were previously done manually. This automation
allows a driller to use a computer and joystick to
pick up 90-foot joints of riser with a maximum block
weight of 1.5 million pounds, virtually eliminating
the human element from operating much of the
traditional drilling equipment, reducing the risk of
injury while increasing efficiency.

This primarily wood Deepwater
Pathfinder model is
44" long x 16" tall x 8" wide.
We appreciate the assistance from Captain B. R. Young (of
Orange County, California) who was the
Pathfinder's Chief Mate (second-in-command)
during her construction and during her first year of
operation. Mr. Young went on to be the captain
of the
drilling rig Deepwater
and survived the blowup which resulted in the
of the rig
and the deaths of 11 workers.
We can build another
super Deepwater Pathfinder or any similar ship for you.
Just email us for a quote.