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Finnish three-masted steel barque

Penang was a three-masted steel barque built in 1905
with her originally name 'Albert Rickmers' by Rickmers
Reismühlen Rhederi & Schiffsbau AG, Bremerhaven.
In 1910 she was sold to F. Laeisz, Hamburg, and was
renamed Penang. In 1917 she was sold to Bachmann,
Bremen. 1920 sold to John Nurminen, Raumo, Finland and
1923 sold to Gustaf Erikson, Mariehamn. In December 08
1940 she was torpedoed by the German submarine U-140 at
55°25'N, 10°15'W and sunk. No one of the crew survived.
At 12.26 hours on 8 Dec 1940, U-140 fired one torpedo at
a sailing ship reported as the Finnish Lawhill and
observed how the ship capsized after the hit and sank
after 30 minutes northwest of Tory Island. However, the
ship was in fact the Penang (Master Karl Viktor Karlsson),
which was reported missing en route to Queenstown,

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