The H.M.S. Endeavour was launched
in 1765. Three years later she took of for a voyage
under the command of Captain James Cook.
On board, under the command of
Lieutenant James Cook, was a crew of 72 men, 12 marines
and 11 civilians. The civilians were a scientific team
drawn together by Joseph Banks. It included Daniel Solander (scientific advisor) and Sydney Parkinson
It was during this voyage that
Australia was discovered and Tahiti and numerous islands
sighted. When Endeavour returned to England in 177, she
brings back all kinds of animals and vegetables unknown
in Europe.
Captain Cook's
1768-1771 voyage is considered to be of historical
importance contributing a great wealth of navigation,
seamanship, exploration, and geography to the world's
knowledge. During this voyage Captain Cook was the first
captain to calculate longitudinal position with greater
accuracy using a mathematical formula developed in the
1760s. Cook is also the first to reduce scurvy--a
serious and sometimes fatal result of dietary deficiency
on long voyages.

This HMS Endeavour model
is 60" long x 50" tall x 12" wide. Please
email us for more information.