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SAN MATEO ship model
The San Mateo is an
800 ton, 16th century Spanish Galleon from the time
of Phillip II, that made the America's run. She is a
typical example of the famous and distinctive
Spanish Galleon, whose name was derived from
"galley". With elements of a commercial vessel, it
was a cross between a cargo ship and a fighting
ship, and became the mainstay of the Spanish Fleets.
There were also merchant versions, with Spain being
the leading builder and owner of such ships which
were used to import fabulous riches from its vast
overseas territories, particularly Mexico and Peru.
It formed squadrons of galleons and warships, the
latter serving to escort and protect the former from
attack by other vessels.

This San Mateo model ship is
32" long x 26" tall.
We might be able to build another one for you. Please