Tractor tugs are used in
ports to berth things like ocean liners and tankers. A
tractor tugboat is a tug that would supply maneuvering
and/or docking traction for vessels lacking that
ability. Tractor tugs with Z-drive (or azimuth thruster)
propulsion systems are designed for tasks such as ship
docking and marine construction. Conventional propeller
configurations are more efficient for port-to-port

Elizabeth Turecamo
was the first, and only tractor tug constructed for the Turecamo
Harbor and Coastal Towing Corporation She was completed in 1998 by the
Eastern Shipbuilding Group of Panama City, Florida.
In the
same year,
the Turecamo Harbor and Coastal Towing Corporation was acquired by the Moran Towing
Corporation. The tug
retained her name. She became the first tractor tug placed
in service for the Moran.
tractor tugboat was powered by two sixteen cylinder diesel engines,
with two Aquamaster 3001 z-drives, for a rated 6,100
electrical service is provided by two 99kW generator
sets. The tractor tug's capacities are 101,442 gallons of diesel
fuel, 10,038 gallons of fresh water, and 40,682 gallons
of ballast.

This model is 18" long x
14" tall x 7" wide (1/72 scale.) This model
represents our supreme craftsmanship. Small tug models
are hard to build. This model is small but magnificent,
capturing not only the most iconic feature of a tractor
tug but also the most subtle details. For one, note the
tires, chain, rubber cushion that are black but of
different shade/texture than that of the hull.
For your tug model, send
us an inquiry:
fail me at the exquisite model y’all produced and
delivered. My wife laughed out loud in surprise and
delight. She’ll spend the next week deciding where to
highlight it in our home. Many thanks, gentlemen! I
couldn’t be more pleased.
With complete admiration,

Learn more about
Turecamo tugboats here