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The Skipjack class submarines were the first truly modern postwar submarines of the U.S. Navy. The class was an example of how innovative new technologies can combine to produce a weapons system with vastly improved characteristics.

While the USS Nautilus was a one-of-a-kind, proof-of-concept boat, the Skipjack submarines, with their improved S5W reactors, brought real nuclear power to the bulk of the fleet.

Real useable nuclear power is not the only thing historic for the Skipjack submarine class. Six years before the operation of the USS Skipjack, in 1953, the Navy introduced a new experimental USS Albacore which had a new teardrop-shaped hull. The symmetrical, tuna-like hull was a radical break from conventional, cigar-shaped hulls. The new hull reached amazing thirty-three knots. It could also turn quickly, at a rate of 3.2 degrees per second, instead of the average 2.7 degrees per second of conventional submarines. This new design required a single screw aft of the rudders and stern planes (which only appears on submarine models produced by ModelShipMaster.)

The two innovations, nuclear power and teardrop hull, proved complementary in the USS Skipjack model. The design was so successful that it provided a basis for future submarines, not only in the United States, but also around the world. Thus came Skipjack’s motto “Radix Nova Tridentis,” or “Root of a New Sea Power.”

 Skipjack class submarines were well armed, with six Mk. 59 bow torpedo tubes. Unlike previous classes, they did not have aft-firing torpedo tubes—their large single propeller made firing torpedoes rearward hazardous. The class could also launch the Mark 45 ASTOR antisubmarine wire-guided nuclear torpedo, which had a range of eight miles and packed an eleven-kiloton nuclear warhead.

This primarily wood USS Skipjack submarine model is 15" long x 6.5" tall x 4" wide(1/200 scale)  $1,490  Shipping and insurance in the contiguous USA included. Other places: $200 flat rate. This model is in stock and will be shipped within five business days.

We can build the USS Skipjack at 21" long (1/144 scale) and 30" long (1/100 scale). Please contact us for a quote:

Learn more about the USS Skipjack here: