Yellow-and-Black Stack Fleet

The Bisso
Towboat Company was founded in 1890, by Captain Joseph
Bisso. When he acquired his first tug the Leo. In 1907,
ownership of the company passed to Captain Bisso's son--
Captain William A. "Billy" Bisso.
In 1908,
Captain "Billy" founded the New Orleans Coal Company.
Which grew to become the largest ship coaling, and
colliery business in the port of New Orleans, Louisiana.
In 1922,
the New Orleans Coal Company merged the with the Bisso
Towboat Company.
In 1963,
Captain "Billy" Slatton passed away, at the age of 88.
The Bisso Towboat Company was reorganized under the
leadership of his daughter, Cecilia Bisso Slatten and
his grandson--Captain William A. "Billy" Slatten.

This primarily wood model was
commissioned by a retired
tugboat captain who spent 48 years on tugs.
He became a captain at the age of 20. In 2022, 17
members of his family were on tugboats all over the
country. He is a skilled modeler and has completed many
kits. "I can't thank you enough. It's like you built the
tugs for yourself--very high standard. The packaging was
so good that it's like we needed a bomb squad. They
can't move inside the crates... I will show them to my
tugboat association. Your pricing is so fair that I am
sure will get you several jobs." said Mr. Columbus.
We love to
build your favorite tugboat and we look forward to
receiving your inquiries at

Learn more about
Towboat tugboats here: